Nurture Campaign Defined

A nurture campaign is a strategic marketing approach designed to build and strengthen relationships with leads and customers over time. By delivering targeted, personalized content based on the recipient’s behavior, interests, and stage in the user journey, nurture campaigns aim to guide prospects through the sales funnel and encourage engagement with your brand.

Nurture campaigns typically involve a series of automated messages (think: emails, push notifications, in-app messages, text messages, etc.) that are triggered by specific actions or behaviors of the recipient, such as downloading a resource, signing up for a newsletter, reaching a new milestone, or abandoning a shopping cart. These messages provide relevant information, education, and value to help move the recipient closer to making a purchase or taking the next desired action.

How to Use it in a Sentence

Implementing a nurture campaign for your mobile app can significantly enhance user engagement by delivering personalized content and timely updates that guide users through their user journey.

Common FAQs

The benefits of nurture campaigns include increased engagement with your audience, improved lead conversion rates, enhanced customer relationships, and efficient use of marketing resources through automation.

To create a nurture campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the best channel or channels to use in your nurture sequences. Keep in mind that using more than one messaging channel to engage users increases average engagement by 35.8%.
  2. Segment your audience based on criteria like demographics, behavior, and customer journey stage.
  3. Develop valuable content for each stage of the campaign.
  4. Set up triggers and automate the email sequence using marketing automation tools.
  5. Monitor performance and optimize the campaign based on key metrics.

The content you share depends on your industry, business model, use case, and messaging channels used. For instance, B2B companies might send a mix of educational content, product information, case studies, testimonials, and how-to guides via email. B2C eCommerce companies tend to send more promos and product recommendations via email or web push, and mobile apps might share more educational and social content, tips, and in-app promos via channels like in-app messaging, mobile push notifications, email, and SMS. The key is that each message should provide value and move the recipient closer to the desired conversion — whether that's completing a purchase, renewing a subscription, scheduling a sales call, finishing account setup, or reaching a new game level.

The frequency of emails or notifications in a nurture campaign depends on your audience and campaign goal. Generally, emails should be spaced out to maintain regular communication without overwhelming the recipient. A common cadence is one email per week, but this can vary. Push notifications might be sent closer together, say every day or every other day, but it's important to respect preferences and be mindful of over-messaging.

You can personalize emails, notifications, or texts by using the recipient’s name, referencing their previous interactions with your brand, and tailoring content to their specific interests and behaviors. Advanced email personalization can include dynamic content blocks that change based on recipient data.

Email nurture campaigns for apps are designed to engage users at various stages of their user journey, from initial interest to ongoing usage. For more context, read more about understanding and mapping your user journey stages.

  1. App Download: When a user downloads your app, it’s a great opportunity to send a welcome email or series of onboarding emails to introduce key features and benefits.
  2. Account Creation: Trigger emails when a user creates an account or profile within the app, guiding them through the setup process and encouraging them to complete their profile.
  3. First App Open: After a user opens the app for the first time, send a welcome email highlighting essential features and offering tips for getting started.
  4. Inactivity: If a user has been inactive for a certain period, trigger a re-engagement campaign with incentives, updates, or new features to encourage them to return to the app.
  5. Feature Usage: When a user engages with a specific feature for the first time, send a follow-up email with detailed information on how to make the most of that feature.
  6. Milestones: Celebrate user milestones, such as completing a certain number of actions, achieving a level, or spending a specific amount of time in the app. Use these triggers to reinforce positive behavior and encourage continued use.
  7. Abandoned Action: If a user starts but doesn’t complete a specific action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, send a reminder or offer assistance to help them finish.
  8. Purchase: After a user makes a purchase through the app, trigger a thank-you email with order details, recommendations for related products, or a request for a review.
  9. Subscription Renewal: For subscription-based apps, send reminders as the renewal date approaches, highlighting the benefits of continuing the subscription and any exclusive offers. For more tips, check out our webinar video on how to build a successful subscription-based business.
  10. App Update: Notify users when a new version of the app is available, detailing new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
  11. Customer Feedback: After a user interacts with customer support or completes a survey, send a follow-up email thanking them for their feedback and informing them of any resulting changes or updates.
  12. Special Offers and Promotions: Trigger emails for special promotions, discounts, or limited-time offers based on user behavior or preferences.
  13. Event Participation: If users sign up for events or webinars through the app, follow up with event details, reminders, and post-event content.
  14. Referral Activity: When a user refers a friend and that friend signs up, trigger an email thanking the referrer and updating them on their referral status.

For mobile apps, email may not always be the most effective channel to leverage for every use case. To optimize and enhance your engagement strategy for a mobile-first audience, it's important to use email alongside other channels such as mobile push notifications, web push notifications, iOS Live Activities, in-app messages, and SMS.

Common triggers include downloading a resource, signing up for a newsletter, making an inquiry, attending a webinar, abandoning a shopping cart, and other actions that indicate interest or intent.

Measure success using key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement levels. Additionally, track the progress of leads through the sales funnel and the overall ROI of the campaign.

Yes, nurture campaigns can be used for existing customers to upsell, cross-sell, encourage repeat purchases, and maintain ongoing engagement. These campaigns can include product updates, loyalty rewards, and personalized recommendations.