Customer Engagement Defined

Customer engagement describes the way a brand interacts with its user base and the way in which a brand’s users respond. In essence, customer engagement is about the ongoing relationship between the company and the customer.

Customer engagement can be fostered by a number of different marketing strategies, including direct messaging, interactive content, push notification marketing, and personalized events.

How to Use it in a Sentence

Customer engagement hinges on a business’s ability to personalize content and sustain a meaningful dialogue with existing users.

Common Customer Engagement FAQs

Customer engagement builds loyal user relationships, nurtures longer customer lifecycles, and helps businesses better understand the needs of their audience. Remember, it’s much cheaper to retain existing customers than it is to acquire new ones. Nearly every marketing campaign should be crafted to engage customers in relevant, helpful ways. By successfully engaging customers, companies can turn their user base into evangelists for their brand.

Customer engagement can be measured and evaluated using a combination of the following marketing metrics:

One of the best ways to boost customer engagement is to use cross-channel messaging, such as personalized push notifications, segmented email campaigns, and in-app messaging. When working together in harmony, these different channels unify your brand voice, deliver timely messages to your users with relevant information, and allow marketers to engage users at every step of the customer journey (from onboarding to post-purchase).