Building Great Digital Products

We're joined by Pasha Sadri, who has been behind some of the biggest digital innovations over the past 20 years; Maps, Y! Pipes, Polyvore, and WhatsApp

In this podcast, Pasha Sadri discusses his journey, the technical decisions required to scale, what makes magic in small teams and much more. The podcast is hosted by OneSignal's Josh Wetzel.

We start off with Pasha discussing his background and how he started at Y! in 2000. Then we dive into how the launch of Google Maps spawned Pipes, a visual business software tool for companies to pull images together. We go in-depth on how Pipes ultimately became a consumer product called Polyvore and how he spent his 8 years building that company.

We then go into Pasha's life after Polyvore and how he ultimately ended up at WhatsApp. We finish off the podcast with Pasha telling us a story about his interview with WhatsApp co-founder & CEO Jan Koum and how it was an example of a laser focus on WhatsApp's core values and goals - "Fast, Simple and Secure".

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