Personalize Customer Experiences with the Power of OneSignal and Hightouch

Message personalization and intelligent customer segmentation are two of the most important and impactful components of any messaging strategy — that’s why we’re so excited to announce a new integration with Hightouch! With Hightouch’s data sync, it’s easier than ever to leverage customer data from your external hubs in OneSignal messaging campaigns.

What is Hightouch?

Hightouch works through a process called Reverse ETL - simply connect your database, write your SQL query, visually map your SQL columns to the columns in your SaaS tool, and then watch data flow into your OneSignal account. Hightouch ensures that every data point in your tech stack is available for you to use in OneSignal.

How does the integration work?

The OneSignal and Hightouch integration allows users to securely connect their database to OneSignal without writing custom code. This means you can leverage critical customer data to segment and target audiences within OneSignal in order to personalize messaging campaigns across every channel. The integration is especially useful for creating and updating data tags in OneSignal (used for campaign targeting, triggering, and personalization) with information from your customer databases.

“These days, there’s no shortage of data. Many companies have access to hundreds if not thousands of data points about their customers and prospects, but actually using that data in an intelligent and meaningful way can be complicated. We built Hightouch to make it as easy as possible to actually use this key data by piping it into SaaS apps, and OneSignal is a great example of that. Developers, product teams, and marketers can use Hightouch to sync their warehouse data into OneSignal to run targeted, customized messaging campaigns, without any code." -  Hightouch Co-Founder Kashish Gupta

The OneSignal and Hightouch integration empowers you to:

  • Update and create OneSignal data tags using your customer database information.
  • Sync new users from your database or warehouse into OneSignal
  • Create groups of users via SQL queries and sync them into a OneSignal as segments to run targeted, personalized campaigns.

The integration is available for free to all OneSignal and Hightouch users. Hightouch has extended their Free plan with up to 3 queries and unlimited data syncs for the OneSignal integration.  Ready to get started? Check out the integration documentation for easy-to-follow steps to get going.