OneSignal partners with Plot Projects for Location-based Notifications

OneSignal now supports creating segments and targeting messages based on locations users visit, via an integration with the location-based marketing platform Plot Projects.

Targeting notifications by location unlocks several new use cases and we've heard consistent demand from customers to add support for this in OneSignal. By integrating with PlotProjects, OneSignal can tap into the power of location by providing app users with contextualized notifications and providing app owners with valuable location data.

How to Use Location Notifications

Depending on the use case, location data and location-based notifications rely on one of two technologies:

  1. Geofences, which are geographic boundaries that customers can draw on a map.
  2. Beacons, which are small bluetooth devices that customers can place in specific locations, often indoors.

Using a device’s location services (if granted permission), location-based notifications can be triggered whenever a user enters a location, leaves a location, or stays in a location for a period of time. For instance, an event app could send a user a notification to check-in to their event as soon as they get to the venue, or a restaurant could offer a discount when a user leaves.

Notifications perform best when they are timely, relevant, and precise. For many customers, adding a location layer to notifications can improve all of these dimensions. According to Plot Projects, location-based notifications for retail coupons and restaurants have a click-through rate of 10-20%, far higher than typical click-through rates.

In addition, this technology allows app providers to gather location data in order to understand their user base and better cater to their needs. Information about, for example, which stores are most often visited or how long users stay at these locations, can be used for multiple purposes, from simple statistics gathering to triggering location-based notifications.

With OneSignal and Plot Projects, customers can segment app users based on the places they previously visited and target them accordingly. These segments support 100s of locations, helpful for brands that have many physical locations or any set of locations whose visits may be worth keeping track of. With these insights, customers can make sure that the information or content they provide app users with is both timely and relevant, thus increasing app experience and retention.

If you have an app that could benefit from location-based notifications and/or intelligence, we recommend trying Plot Projects with OneSignal. Check out our setup guide to get started.